Monday, March 29, 2010

CPL 2.0 , Delicious and Downsizing

Delicious is the tasty work around for providing Calgary Public Library staff's Best Websites to the customers. Library workers certainly love to hoard information and sort it into tidy little bundles!

When suffering a vacant moment on the reference desk, Delicious can help you to remember a useful site. It could also prove invaluable for training new reference staff in some of the hard-to-remember resources for complex subjects.

Unfortunately, Delicious is buried several clicks away on the CPL home page, making it an unlikely find for most of our customers. As well, you can usually find the same information faster by Googling. These days, I try to keep my headspace in downsizer mode. Layers and hoarding are out. Simple and direct are in.

All in all, Delicious is not to my taste.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cut Down to Size

I am an early baby boomer whose generation has slung its collective weight around the world for half a century. However, age is beginning to cut us down to size. Maybe it's about time.

I have recently moved from a house to an apartment and the process of winnowing through accumulated possessions is both humbling and exhausting. Worse to confess, I have had practice. This is the second time I have downsized from house to apartment.

For most of my adult life, I moved about every four years. Then, seven years ago, I moved to the house I just left. When this stone stopped rolling, it gathered a lot of moss.

This blog and first post is part of an assignment for the Calgary Public Library where they hope to make me more technically savvy. How can you argue with an exercise aimed to make you a better person?

Not this little worker.